Business of Therapy Podcast

S H O W N O T E S & L I N K S

Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

The Nitty Gritty on Intro Calls [episode 32]

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the nitty gritty on intro calls. You’re doing everything you can to turn that potential client into an actual client! But…maybe you’re not feeling certain about your current process. If what you’ve been doing isn’t converting people from your intro calls into private pay therapy clients, this episode is for YOU!

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

How I Handle People Calling Me a Liar on the Internet [episode 31]

Something that I get asked a LOT from other therapists is how I handle people calling me a liar on the internet and how to handle negative comments. I know it can feel like your worst nightmare when you have trolls coming for you in the comments section. But...I really want to help you understand how common this is, and what to do if/when it happens to you.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

Being a GREAT Therapist is the Best Marketing with Dr. Elisabeth Morray [episode 30]

Guest Dr. Elisabeth Morray and I discuss why being a GREAT therapist is the best marketing. When it comes to seeing success as a therapist in private practice, it’s VITAL that you have strong clinical skills. You want to be able to attract your ideal client, serve them really well, AND retain them. Two of the major components that factor into this are clinical supervision and professional development.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

What to Say When Other Therapists Question Your Rates [episode 29]

As therapists, we WANT to help people. That’s why we chose this profession after all! Just because we’re not ‘in it for the money’, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be making good money, ya know? In today’s episode, I’m talking about what to say when other therapists question your rates.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

Niching Down & Gaining 27k Instagram Followers with Therapist Dr. Salena Justice [episode 28]

In today’s episode, Salena and I chat about her journey of niching down and gaining 27k Instagram followers. Dr. Salena Justice is a psychologist who specializes in evaluating and treating adults diagnosed with autism later in life. Salena discovered PPA,, joined in April 2024, dove in head first and has grown her Instagram to over 27k followers!

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

The Unexpected Thing That Will Get You More Clients [episode 27]

There's this myth out there that if you want to get more therapy clients, you have to do more work…right? But…what if I told you there was something unexpected you could do, that would actually make it EASIER to get clients? would be working LESS, not more! In today’s episode, I’m talking about the unexpected thing that will get you more clients in your therapy business.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

How She Filled Her Caseload in 4 Months with Maria Reiter [episode 26]

Maria and I are chatting about how she filled her caseload in 4 months. Maria and I connected in August 2023 when she joined PPA. She was ready to start showing up on Instagram, but was unclear on her niche, and who she wanted to serve. Fast forward a few months - Maria has FILLED her caseload with ideal clients, is charging $175+/session, and is consistently hitting $10k months.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

How to Get Therapy Clients With $0 to Spend on Marketing [episode 25]

In today’s episode, I’m talking about how to get therapy clients with $0 to spend on marketing. Even if you’re brand new and have $0 to put into your private practice upfront, it’s totally possible to still get clients. I have three proven strategies to help you do just that!

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

How I Made $1,000,000 in 2024 [episode 24]

In today’s episode, I’m talking about how I made $1,000,000 in 2024. I never thought something like this was possible when I was just starting my Instagram page and private practice four years ago. I’m excited to do a deep dive into exactly HOW I had a 7 figure-year in 2024. Of course, there wasn’t one magical thing that made this goal a reality. So...let’s get into it!

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

BTS From $45/session to $1 Mil/Year [episode 22]

Today’s episode is covering a taboo topic, but it’s also one of my favorites, and the most popular thing I talk about. Yep...I’m talking about MONEY! I’m giving you a BTS look at how I went from making $45/session, to $1 million/year as a therapist.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

My Tough Decision to See Less Therapy Clients [episode 21]

My income from 1-1 therapy clients isn’t as high as it used to be. In’s pretty low. After seeing that more of my income comes from business coaching, you may be wondering if it’s possible for YOU to make 6-figures seeing 1-1 therapy clients. In this episode, I go more in depth about WHY I intentionally decided to see less therapy clients.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

When Should You Raise Your Therapy Rates? [episode 20]

In today’s episode, I’m answering the question ‘when should you raise your therapy rates’. I want to share some different scenarios with you, because I know this won’t look the same for everyone. You work very hard, and I know that you’re a therapist who cares about your clients. In order to be the best for them though, you must prioritize yourself. You deserve a private practice that will not only give you job satisfaction, but financial security and freedom, too!

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

How to Build a Therapy Practice Worth $200+/Session with Amanda Buduris [episode 19]

Today’s guest is Amanda Buduris, a fellow therapist who has been a long time coaching client of mine and has built a very successful private practice. In today’s episode, we’re chatting about how to build a therapy practice worth $200+/session. Amanda was initially charging $125/session for 1-1 clients. Now, she charges $350/hour for weekly clients, and $400-500 for intensives. She’s been able to achieve $15k months from therapy alone, working an average of 15 hours/week.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

How This Therapist 2x Her Instagram Following and 5x Her Email List in 6 Months with Christina Ennabe [episode 18]

Christina and I began working together earlier this year and since then, Christina has grown from 16k to over 28k followers on Instagram. She’s also 5x her email list, and grown from 400 email list subscribers to almost 2000. We also chat about the course she created for those struggling with OCD, her experience launching the course, and the power of showing up as your authentic self.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

5 Hard Lessons in Business I’m Grateful For [episode 17]

Since being in business, I’ve had 5 really challenging business experiences. These hard situations ended up being some of the BEST lessons that I've learned in business! Of course, it wasn’t easy, and it didn’t feel ‘good’ when I was in the thick of it, but I’m super grateful for them, because they made me a better business owner + a more self-assured person outside of work, too. In today’s episode, I’m sharing 5 hard lessons in business I’m grateful for.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

The Good, The Bad, & The Messy of my Third $100,000 Month [episode 16]

In today’s episode, I’m sharing about the good, the bad, & the messy of my third $100k month. I’m super proud of this accomplishment, because let me tell you…between team member challenges, tech issues, and more, September was anything but easy. But we made it happen! I received some awesome questions from my Instagram community about HOW I made $100,000 in one month, so I’m excited to break it allll down here!

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

336k Followers in Two Years: Nadia Fiorita’s Reels Strategy as a Therapist [episode 15]

After working together for a few months, Nadia Fiorita went from 3k followers on Instagram, to over 100k. Fast forward to now - she has a full private pay caseload, 336k followers on Instagram, and has had multiple Reels go mega viral. In today’s episode, we’re chatting about Nadia’s Reels strategy as a therapist and how she has built a MASSIVE following on Instagram, and has done so by primarily using Instagram Reels.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

The Exact Things I’d Focus on if I Was Starting Over on Instagram [episode 14]

In today’s episode, I’m talking about the exact things I’d focus on if I was starting over on Instagram. I started with ZERO followers. I’ve grown two Instagram accounts from 0 to 10k in under a year. It took a LOT of trial and error as I was growing my first page, and I for sure made my fair share of mistakes. I want to share with you 9 key things that I would focus on, if I was starting over as a new Instagram therapist.

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Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna Kelly (O'Sullivan) McKenna

The #1 Driver of Results in My Business [episode 13]

In today’s episode, I’m talking about the number one driver of results in my business. If I had to sum it up in one word, the top driver of all my results in my business has been CONSISTENCY. At the end of the day, showing up consistently and marketing on Instagram NEEDS to be a priority if you want to succeed in your private practice, and make more of a lasting impact with your ideal client!

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