How I Handle People Calling Me a Liar on the Internet [episode 31]

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Something that I get asked a LOT from other therapists is how to handle negative comments online. 

If you’ve been online for any time at all, you’ve probably dealt with some kind of negativity. I know it can feel like your worst nightmare when you have trolls coming for you in the comments section.

It really sucks - nobody wants OR deserves to be put on blast like that!

But...I really want to help you understand how common this is, and what to do if/when it happens to you.

In today’s episode, I’m talking about how I handle people calling me a liar on the internet.

Honestly…getting negative comments online doesn’t happen as often as you think. Thank goodness, right?!

The only time this happens is if something goes SUPER viral. We’re talking like, hundreds of thousands of views!

If you get ‘haters’ on the internet, you’re doing something RIGHT. Your content is reaching a TON of people, and you’re being super specific in your messaging. People feel like they can disagree with you on that subject!

One of MY biggest fears about getting started online and posting on Instagram was my physical appearance. Fortunately, I haven’t dealt with too many negative comments in that regard.

But…I have received hate and negativity about OTHER types of content on my Instagram pages. 

I’ve learned that people are never going to agree with you on everything you post. They’re never going to like everything you say (especially when it’s about therapists making good money)!! 

Some people won’t like ANYTHING you post - all they want to do is argue, or be super spammy. YOU have choices when it comes to keeping people in your space online, or removing them all together.

At the end of the day, no one wants to get constant hate or be trolled by randos. No one wants to be called a liar on the internet. 

Like I already mentioned, this (thankfully) isn’t something you will encounter very often. And if you do…you ARE resilient, and totally capable of handling it.

PLEASE don’t let something like this keep you from getting started on Instagram, or keep you from making progress. Success and freedom IS waiting for you on the other side. I know you’ve got what it takes!!

In this episode, How I Handle People Calling Me a Liar on the Internet, I cover:

  • Why getting negative comments online doesn’t happen as often as you think

  • One of my biggest fears about posting content online

  • My *only* two @sitwithkelly Instagram posts that received negative comments

  • Types of posts that spark more negativity on my @businessoftherapy Instagram page

  • What you can do when you get negative comments on Instagram

Resources & Links:

⭐️ My Business Insider post on Instagram with negative comments

⭐️ My Instagram post about being a highly sensitive person (HSP)

⭐️ This episode is sponsored by Alma, the financially rewarding way to go in-network
⭐️ This episode is sponsored by Jane - use code: KELLY2MONTH for a 2 month grace period
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More about the Business of Therapy podcast:

Are you a passionate therapist that’s burnt out and ready to transition to private pay? You’re asking yourself questions like “how do I build a business?”, “how can I effectively use Instagram to market myself” and “how can I scale a private practice?”

Welcome to the Business of Therapy podcast where we’ll answer those questions and more! Here you’ll find honest conversations about the good and the bad of being a therapist, tactical advice and best practices for marketing yourself on Instagram, and solidarity and community to find your own version of success as a therapist. 

Join your host, Kelly McKenna, and her guests as they dive deeper into topics such as navigating burn out, mastering your mindset and boundaries, and tactics and strategies for marketing on Instagram, and more! 

Kelly is a licensed therapist and business coach who grew her private practice on Instagram and has helped thousands of other therapists market themselves on social media, and effectively start and scale their private practice. 

These episodes will leave you feeling empowered and equipped to take action towards your dream of a successful private practice.

Make sure to hit follow/subscribe so you never miss an episode!

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